Louisville NE 68037 & Plattsmouth NE 68048

Athletic trainers are medical professionals that are often found in a school setting and aid in the diagnosis and treatment of various acute and chronic conditions. Their goal is help athletes prepare and perform to their fullest potential. ATCs can use their tools for assessment, athletic contest preparation, and injury management. 

Physical therapists are medical professionals that are found in a variety of settings, including the outpatient clinics at Witte Physical Therapy. Our therapists work with our ATCs to ensure that the student athletes get complete care. Together they form a healthcare team that can help with injury prevention, prehab, athletic preparation, injury and post surgical rehab. 

Witte Physical Therapy is proud to offer sports medicine and athletic training services to our many partners. Through our network of athletic trainers, we can provide game and event coverage to ensure that all athletes get first class and efficient treatment during their events. We partner with several local high schools to provide as needed to full time athletic training services. Those student athletes we treat are then followed up on by our therapists to ensure that their medical needs are being met. Our PTs also provide free consultations in the clinic, or in some cases at the athlete’s school, to ensure that the athlete is being taken care of in the most appropriate way possible. Both services are free for our student athletes and gives them a well-rounded medical team that is focused on providing them with the proper care that they need. If they need a referral for care outside of the athletic training and physical therapy realms, we will work to get them the care that they need with the proper provider to get them back on the field faster!

Sports Medicine and Athletic Training