Louisville NE 68037 & Plattsmouth NE 68048

Desk Posture

January 7, 2020 – What a flattering picture of me at my desk! Truth is, this is how I normally look when I am not seeing patients. Sitting at my desk, working on my computer, oblivious to my posture. More and more we find ourselves working on our computers at our desks. This is becoming more necessary as the world evolves and we become more reliant on computers to do our work. But this comes at a cost.

One of the biggest issues we treat in physical therapy is neck and upper back pain. This most often is found in our patients that spend a lot of time at their desk or on their computers. The fact is that the computers and desks are not made to fit us, but they are made to fit the look of the space they are in.

Proper desk posture includes relaxed shoulders, elbows and knees at 90 degrees, wrists at neutral, and feet resting comfortably and flat on the floor. The top of the computer screen should be at eye level with our head in neutral, not looking down position. This often requires an extended computer stand or a standing desk to have our head and eyes in the proper position.

Most of the devices and adaptations needed for these simple changes can be bought online. These changes have the potential to save you big bucks in future healthcare costs. For more information on these changes, ergonomics, or how we can help improve your postural awareness and strength call us at 402-234-3333 in Louisville or 402-298-4747 in Plattsmouth. You can also email dan@wittephysicaltherapy.com and request more information

Your team at Witte Physical Therapy #homegrown #backtolife